Now with the flying kick. From a dead stop. What's powering it - raw enthusiasm?

What a week.

It's stressful as heck trying to get both girls picked up, at different schools, by pickup time. I was already getting to work at like 9:30 and leaving at 4:30 to accomodate the 9-5:30 stretch at the school they both attended; now I'm having to jog east a bit to pick up Bean, and then get over to Miss O, which means I need to leave by 4:15 and I'm getting in around 9:45.

Something's gotta give.

I'd really like them at the same school, but Dave had concerns about the lack of stuff to do in the toddler room. Since the Montessori is closed next Monday, I'm going to ask if O can do a day at Bean's school, so she'll get a chance to see it for herself.

Bean wants her at the same school; since they have completely separate classrooms, she's willing to share the school with her little sister. The Bean - Miss O dynamic is, from my perspective, the most bipolar thing EVAH. I think Bean would trade in every My Little Pony she has to be rid of Miss O, and yet she wants her at the same school, she gets mad at me if I get mad at Miss O, etc.

Anyways; it's been a bumpy school transition for Bean, through no fault of her own. There's a newer boy at the school (he started a little before Bean) that's pretty mean to her and the other kids; on Bean's first day, he kicked her in the chest and she fell backwards and had the wind knocked out of her. Kinda makes her decking a girl look a little tamer by comparison.

Karmically speaking, she's probably owed the daily beat-down. I say that very tongue-in-cheek; of course I don't really think she deserves it, nor do I like that she's getting hurt. My patience for it is probably much higher than it would be had I not been in the other parent's shoes for the past year or so, but still - it's not something I'll be able to tolerate long-term. She's getting hurt daily, talks about how mean this kid is a lot, and usually cowers when we drop her off.

She's learned, at least, that it sucks being hit/kicked/hurt, so it's shaping her empathy a bit. I do worry, though, that she'll retaliate or that she's learning how to be more physically aggressive than she was. I also just hate that she's being hurt.

On the flip side, though, she loves her school. I took her to OT the other day and when we finished at 4:15, she wanted to go back for the 45 minutes we had between then and when I could hand her off to her dad for the night. She chose going back to school over donuts at Barnes and Noble, so that's huge :)

Bean and I had a few great mommy-Bean adventures this weekend, which I'll talk more about later. Now I need to wrap up my morning and head out to work. I'm feeling a little worn down, likely from allergies; but in case I'm fighting a bug, I need to get in a few good days before I let it take over.


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